Monday, July 27, 2015

Day 18 & 19

We wrapped up our week with an electricity CCC, an open air market, and another fantastic camp fire! At the market peeps sold necklaces, flowers, modern art, pets, lamps, lawn accessories, even spells! It was a great chance to see and be seen in our up and coming town center. 

As a final farewell of the week we got a hailstorm! In a mad dash of rain and ice campers ducked for cover and played our final friday games in the shelter of the barn. Then the clouds parted and we got to enjoy our traditional Friday ice cream and another excellent campfire. There was a live singing mashup, we learned about a crazy ripped up billboard, we heard piano, a clarinet solo and watched another fun dance. We are such a talented bunch (if I do say so myself!). 

New Roads!

Party Deck 2.0!

Checking out wares at the open air market!

Modern Art anyone?

George soaking in the rays at the new pond.... too bad his clothes are sewn on. 

Day 20

Hard to believe we are beginning our last week at Village 2015! But alas... it's true! Mini fair is just days away! Village appraisals are even closer! Now's the time to make Petrichor shine! And villagers are ready to rise to the challenge.

Villagers were SO busy in fact, that few peeps attended a morning meeting to revisit the issue of trespassing. Since no one else was there, those in attendance voted themselves into power! Mwahahahaha. So far they have ruled fairly over the land.

It's never too soon for polka doted mini fair signs...

Are you willing to risk your Petridollars playing the coin dozer game?

Final CCC of village.... TREASURE HUNT!!!!

Fences are really shaping up!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Day 15,16, and 17

Life in Petrichor is taking off! The zipline project has proved to be a challenging one. Several waves off peeps have risen to the challenge to help make this dream a reality. Much has been learned along the way and we remain hopeful!
Monday maze solving in the newspaper!

Meanwhile, foot traffic around town is getting easier due to newly paved roads! Villagers hope the roads will also set clear boundaries to deter trespassing. New fences went up after Hurricane Lama came through Tuesday night blowing away leaf piles that had served as property boundaries. Within no time, Petrichorians and visitors will be able to use these roads to visit the new beach (bathing suit optional!)
Hard at work in the shop!

Back at the peeploft, housing are coming together with speed and grace. I'm so excited to see them all on the land this Friday! 

With mini fair on the horizon, I think Petrichor is on track to be show worthy indeed. 

Photo Credit for todays blog post go to Super Cow Girl Clover! Thanks!
ALSO - if you are reading this on Wednesday, don't forget your shoes for tomorrow!

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Days 13 & 14

Petrichorians met to discuss transportation plans. Turns out that the Feds had some money available to offer for transportation. After deliberating over peep pulled carriages the townspeeps voted on a zipline as their means of transportation. Team Larry Squared volunteered to head the project assisted by Jeff and Raul. Construction began almost immediately on a main line from the peeploft to the land.
Building more trust with group lifts...

Although there has continued to be a lot of talk about the nude beach, no progress has been made. Meanwhile the local hospital is in development. Word on the street is that this hospital will offer flexible competitive rates.
Busy villagers at work!

House construction has been moving steadily along. I'm looking forward to seeing these houses on their land!
So much progress on our houses!

On Friday we enjoyed more homemade icecream topped with fresh rasberries and blueberries picked right at camp! It's not easy to make but it's totally worth it and we have a lot of teamwork to get the job done. After icecream we all flexed our acting muscles with the game "What are you doing?" Apparently we are doing all kinds of crazy things. 

We moved our circle to our campfire to enjoy our second campfire of the summer. Our camp songs took on a whole new meaning in a small skit, we got to witness a camp first - performance art, we had an amazing high flying fruit eating juggling act, a wonderful dance, and finally watched a feather turn into a falcon and a trash man turn into a lumberjack.  It was a great show. 

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Day 11 & 12

Peeps have spent the last two days making important decisions about Petrichore. Peeps voted that Jeff should be our permanent moderator and Abigail should be the scribe. Additional, a town center has been chosen! As of now there are plans for a hospital, 'nudie beach', art gallery, and market. A group of peeps is working to create a drive in movie theater--all we know is that the story line of the movie will involve dragons.

Homesteaders have enjoyed participating in team building activities and various versions of capture the flag. Acts for campfire are starting to be planned, and we look forward to Friday's performances.
Modern Art!

Monday, July 13, 2015

Day 7, 8, 9 and 10

Villagers have been busy in Petrichore! On Day 7 the radio station closed the flag and curency design competition. Hats off to Jerry Casston and Jeff for their winning submissions! All of them looked great.

We finished off last week with our first weekly camp fire! Everyone came together to build a real campfire which meant a lot of digging, mulch moving, rock finding, and stick breaking. We also had homemade ice cream to enjoy after being entertained by musicians, dancers, magicians, skits, games and more!

Everyone pitched in :)


Thanks for all the hard work everyone!

A campfire at campfire!

Now we're back for another week and it feels like the summer sun finally decided to show up. "Drink More Water" is the new agenda item of the day! Villagers also committed to some town goals like a recreation area and public services. Maybe that means the skatepark will move to the town center.... but wait, where is the town center?! 
George takes a spill in the new skate park!

Making Origami at CCC. Thanks Abigail!

Construction Begins!

Yay houses!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Day 6

After changing our government to a democracy, peeps decided not to elect a leader; instead, they will make decisions as a whole town. Petrichore residents decided that any peep may call a town meeting by ringing a bell (which we are in the process of locating...)

Later peeps and homesteaders continued to get the trading post, bank, radio, and newspaper up and running. Homesteaders and peeps were busy designing houses, building cardboard models, and completing lumber orders. Additionally, an investigation was launched to locate Deborah, a missing peep. We hope for her safe return. 

After a long swim in the pond and continuing the search for Deborah, we rounded off the afternoon with a 'web' activity--the goal is to get all homesteaders from one side to the other without touching the rope. We haven't done it yet, but that won't stop us from trying again!